PreK and K registration information for the 2023/2024 school year.
over 1 year ago, McMinn Schools
PreK and K
April 17th to 21st is National Volunteer Recognition Week and we want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who volunteers at our schools and our PTO representatives. We appreciate all your hard work and dedication to ensuring our students enjoy wonderful experiences daily in all schools.
over 1 year ago, McMinn Schools
Volunteer Week
PreK and K registration information for the 2023/2024 school year.
over 1 year ago, McMinn Schools
Prek and K registration
Thank you Coach Sauceman for your dedication to Riceville School and the basketball team.
over 1 year ago, McMinn Schools
Coach Sauceman
We are excited to share our news on the newly developed Safety Coalition with McMinn County Schools, McMinn Sheriff’s Department, McMinn County Juvenile Services, McMinn County Health Department, Tenth Judicial Drug Task Force and District Attorney Office. Our focus is to educate and prevent the epidemic of vaping and other illicit drugs in the schools and community. An additional focus will be on Social and Emotional Learning, mental health, and behavioral aspects.
over 1 year ago, McMinn Schools
Safety Coalition
Good afternoon, this is just a reminder that all McMinn County Schools and Offices will be closed on Friday, April 7, and Monday, April 10 for the Easter Holiday. McMinn Schools will be back in regular session on Tuesday, April 11. Thank you and have a great weekend!
over 1 year ago, McMinn County Schools
April 2023 Newsletter is now available!
over 1 year ago, McMinn County Schools
April 2023 Newsletter
April 2023 Dates
McMinn Monthly Newsletter for Elementary Schools
over 1 year ago, McMinn Schools
Join us in celebrating our Paraprofessional Staff! We appreciate you every day!
over 1 year ago, McMinn Schools
Appreciation Day
Please join McMinn County Schools in celebrating - National Assistant Principal Week!
over 1 year ago, McMinn Schools
Assistant Principal Week
McMinn County Schools Prek and K registration dates announced.
almost 2 years ago, McMinn Schools
Prek and K Registration Dates
Attention rising 9th graders to 12th graders! MCHS is hosting a family engagement event and families with rising 9th graders to 12th grade students are invited. • Enter through the gym entrance and come around 5:00 if possible. • They will get in the 8th grade line to receive their Course Request print-out first. • They need to choose at least 2 sessions to attend—the 1st session begins at 5:30. • There will be free hot dogs/chips/drinks in the cafeteria (first come, first serve). • Our counseling team will be in the library as a session to meet parents, answer questions, & assist with adding/dropping a course.
almost 2 years ago, McMinn Schools
MCHS Night
Notice: We regret to inform you that the event on March 28th, Tips and Strategies for Helping Your Child at Home, is unexpectedly canceled. Rescheduled date and time will be posted at a later time.
almost 2 years ago, McMinn Schools
You're invited to our system-wide family engagement event! Tips and Strategies for Helping Your Child at Home. March 28, drop-in from 5:30-6:30. Door Prizes and Snacks! Come and visit the Let's Read 20 Bus and receive free books!
almost 2 years ago, McMinn Schools
Tips and Strategies
McMinn County Schools celebrates World Down Syndrome Day!
almost 2 years ago, McMinn Schools
Celebrate March 21
PreK and Kindergarten registration dates
almost 2 years ago, McMinn Schools
Prek and K dates
McMinn County Schools is excited to announce the Let's Read 20 bus will participate in the Tips and Strategies for Helping Your Child At Home event. Also, New York Life Insurance will be available to make your child an identification card in less than 5 minutes. Mark your calendar for March 28th, drop-in from 5:30-6:30, at the McMinn County Center for Excellence Building, 3 South Hill Street, next to Food City. We hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, McMinn Schools
Tips and Strategies Event
Hello Spring, 2023!
almost 2 years ago, McMinn Schools
Hello Spring
Spring Break Week March 13th to 17th!
almost 2 years ago, McMinn Schools
Spring Break
McMinn County Schools dates and locations for PreK and Kindergarten registration.
almost 2 years ago, McMinn Schools
PreK and K Reg.