The Tennessee General Assembly passed two key pieces of legislation during the 1st Extraordinary Session of the 112th General Assembly—the Tennessee Literacy Success Act and the Tennessee Learning Loss Remediation and Student Acceleration Act—to help ensure Tennessee students could recover from the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and close gaps in students’ learning. As part of this legislation, the General Assembly updated the state’s third-grade retention law T.C.A. § 49-6-3115 to ensure students receive additional support before promotion to fourth grade.
In preparation for implementation, directors of schools have requested the Tennessee Department of Education to provide easy-to-understand information and resources to support educators’ and administrators’ engagement with families and school communities this school year. This document was developed in collaboration with directors of schools across the state, and the department will continue to seek feedback to expand this toolkit with FAQs, considerations for best practices, and additional customizable templates.
Click here to view the full Third Grade Remediation Toolkit as provided by the Tennessee Department of Education.